I’m a gay man that’s equal parts horny and broke. I’m on a tight budget, but I fucking love porn. I’ve been watching it my entire adult life and I have no intentions of stopping. It can become a very expensive habit if you let it. A few years ago I got into some financial trouble and had to take a serious look at how I was spending my money. That’s when I knew I was going to have to be more selective with my memberships.
I only watch top quality porn and I have no intentions of sacrificing that just to save some money. I’m always on the lookout for gay porn discounts and this site has saved me a ton of time and money. Every site they suggest is top notch. All of the content is delivered in spectacular quality. Men.com, SeanCody, Helix Studios, Family Dick, BelAmi, Broke Straight Boys, William Higgins, Raw Fuck Club, Young Perps, Cocky Boys, and Sketchy Sex all made the list and I can tell you I’ve visited them all personally and they’re worth every penny.